Land Use and Real Estate
Experienced New Hampshire Lawyers Facilitating Property Transactions
The knowledgeable attorneys at Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil have a broad range of legal experience in institutional, commercial, and residential property matters. We handle issues related to purchase and sale agreements, title defects, deeds and mortgages, foreclosures, leases, and many other transactions. In addition, our New Hampshire real estate attorneys advise clients who engage in commercial and residential property development, by identifying necessary permits and seeking approval from local Planning Boards and Zoning Boards, and represent clients in any subsequent appeals or disputes. With the capable assistance of paralegals and title abstractors, we have the resources and skill necessary to assist individuals and businesses throughout Belknap, Grafton, Carroll, and Merrimack Counties. Our estate planning attorneys also are available to help clients with the disposition of property later in life.
Guidance in Commercial and Residential Real Estate Matters
Most New Hampshire property transactions begin with a purchase and sale agreement. Our real estate attorneys draft purchase and sale agreements that are tailored to accurately express the terms of a client’s transaction. These contracts contain the terms of the deal and govern the rights and obligations of the parties. Once a purchase and sale agreement is executed by the parties, it becomes a binding contract.
Due diligence is a necessary component of most real estate transactions. Attorneys at Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil assist clients with negotiating results of physical inspections and providing legal opinions on zoning compliance and adherence to a broad spectrum of state and federal land use regulations. Title searches are necessary to ensure that the property being sold is marketable and free of legal claims. Curing a title defect can require corrective instruments and sometimes litigation such as petitions to quiet title. Our attorneys provide legal guidance in all aspects of these transactions, up through and including comprehensive real estate escrow settlement services.
The firm conducts title examinations and provides title insurance through First American Title Insurance Company, CATIC, and Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company.
Representation for Zoning, Land Use, and Development Needs
Local governments and municipalities enact zoning ordinances and by-laws that regulate the manner in which certain property located within their boundaries may be used. Before beginning construction, operating a business, or changing the use of a property, it is important to consult with an attorney to ensure that the use conforms with these local laws, or to obtain the appropriate permit or variance, if necessary. If a permit is denied, a land use attorney can take the appeal to a Zoning Board of Adjustment, and often court to secure a more favorable outcome.
In addition, federal and state environmental agencies generally require permits for property development or use that may affect land, water, or air, or involve other types of environmental impact. Our legal team frequently works with local and state environmental regulatory agencies to assist our clients in obtaining approval to move forward with their property development proposals. For example, shorefront property owners are legally obligated to obtain Shoreland Permits from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services for almost every construction activity within 250 feet of the shore of most lakes and designated rivers. Similarly, DES permits are required for all work within a waterbody and its embankments. Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil routinely represents clients in obtaining permits for shorefront redevelopment, home construction, boathouses, docks, breakwaters, and beaches. Where necessary, Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil enlists the assistance of professional engineers, surveyors and consultants with only the best credentials.
Contact a Real Estate Attorney in New Hampshire
Established in 1914, Normandin, Cheney & O’Neil has attained a prominent position within the New Hampshire legal community, assisting institutional and private lenders as well as residential and commercial clients in pursuing their objectives. Our New Hampshire real estate lawyers are based in Laconia and serve clients throughout Belknap, Grafton, Carroll, Strafford, and Merrimack Counties. Call our office at (603) 524-4380 or contact us online for a consultation. We also are available to assist you if you need a personal injury attorney or representation in a divorce, criminal defense, workers’ compensation, government benefits, estate planning, or business law matter.